Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's just pee.

Envisioning the family I would raise, I didn't realize how often that phrase would come up. Often enough, in fact, that my near-2-year old, Natalie, says it every day now, too. If it's not poop or vomit or something equally foul, it's probably just pee, and we and our belongings have been peed on enough now that we just don't care that much. Just wipe it up, throw it in the wash, etc.

Natalie drinks a LOT of liquids, for which I'm grateful; she's in good health and I never worry about her getting dehydrated, even when she's sick. But we use cloth diapers, oh, probably 75% of the time, not all of which are that great at keeping the pee from leaking out. In fairness, I'm probably not changing diapers as often as I should, now that I have two sets to change.

Even with disposable diapers, even overnight disposables, Natalie's pee makes it to the bedsheet at least 4 days a week, either in the morning or after nap. Rachel has been peeing the bed lately, too. So I'm doing even more laundry. It's a good thing I can find a way to enjoy folding clothes and hanging wet diapers on the back porch. (Note: Benefit of a drought in TX, those diapers dry really fast, maybe even faster than in the dryer.)

A friend mentioned the pee-in-the-tub phenomenon in her blogtoday. I don't worry about my kids drinking peed-in tub or pool water anymore. It's sterile, right? There's probably enough chlorine, etc, in the pool water to kill it anyway. I'm actually more concerned about their drinking that much chlorine. But not that concerned. So far, their little bodies are pretty good at determining when they need to spit up.

Oh, and it'll probably get worse before it gets better. We haven't started potty training yet. Dun dun dun...

1 comment:

  1. Potty training - blah! Lyla's latest potty training efforts go something like this. Me - "Lyla do you need to go potty?" Lyla - "Yes." We then go to either her little potty or the big potty with a little seat attached to it. She sits for all of 3 seconds then jumps down leaving her pullup behind and proceeds to the kitchen where she then pees on the floor. Our conversation then goes something like this. Me - "Lyla you know it's way more fun if you pee on the toilet and watch the water swirl around afterwards." Lyla - "Look mommy I can see my footprints." Yes, we too know all about the "it's only pee" concept at our house as I remind myself at least once a day while mopping up pee footprints. I can only hope this is a small indication of her inner artist emerging. :)
