Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A good day in the life

If you were to drop in and watch a day in my life right now, it would probably go something like this:

5:30 AM: Give up on trying to get restless Rachel to go back to sleep, turn on the lamp and start returning coos and saying "ba ba ba!" back to her cute, smiley, wide-awake face.

5:45 AM: Greet Natalie and put her up on the bed with Rachel and me. Mosy into the kitchen when the girls seem ready and my shorts are on.

6:00 AM: Make a pot of coffee. Get Natalie's and my scrambled eggs cooked and on the kitchen table. Sometimes there's bacon, cut up fruit, or toast on the side, sometimes not.

6:45 AM: Kiss Rob goodbye as he heads to his bicycle to commute to work. Talk with Natalie about Daddy going to work on his bicycle. (I think she might think he works at a bike repair shop, and not know that he's actually a programmer.)

7:30 AM: Once diapers have been changed, new outfits are on, girls are fed, snacks and drinks are packaged and toys/quilt are loaded, we head over to the neighborhood park, a quarter mile away. We tried a double stroller a few times, but Rachel consistently hated it, so Rachel's in the Ergo on my chest while I push Natalie in the Jeep "jogging" stroller (it doesn't really count as a jogging stroller, says Rob, but it's easier to manage than a typical walking stroller.)

Sometimes we meet friends at the park. I send out a text to one or more of my mom friends in the 'hood.

We play for about an hour, which may involve swinging, sliding, climbing the ladder, drawing with chalk or making handprints from pre-existing chalk drawings, shoveling the recycled-tire playground gravel, going on nature walks, kicking a ball, etc. Rachel hangs out in the Ergo and often nurses or naps right there on my chest, even in the heat. I try to stay in the shade as much as I can. When Rachel wants out of the Ergo, I put the quilt down and let her sit or roll around and enjoy nature and sometimes a toy or two. Natalie always wants a snack and a drink at the park, so snacktime eats up some of our park time, too.

9:00AM: Diapers wet, kids tired, we pack it in and head back home. Occasionally Natalie is upset leaving the park, but usually she's quite ready to go when we go. If she doesn't seem ready when I am, I give her five more minutes, on a timer (thanks, iPhone!)

Once home, we change diapers again, eat again if needed, cool off and play for a few minutes, then embark on the outing of the day, sometimes a play date, more often a trip to HEB to buy groceries. Natalie looks forward to some trail mix ("nuts and raisins!") or a bolillo roll, or a free balloon or sticker. The shopping list is usually short--we go to the grocery store or Target probably five days a week. We wave to the guy at the sushi bar who recognizes us every time. How inefficient, right? But shorter trips make for happier kids (and mom) in this family, and we always need something and I need an excuse to get out of the house every day. Rob and I have made our peace with this reality.

If I'm lucky, Natalie or both girls will fall asleep on the way home.

One of the best things about having kids so close in age is that they both still take naps, often with some overlap. This is precious downtime for me. I think lately they've had overlapping naps about 4 out of 5 days of the week. Weekends are a different animal entirely--I'll cover that in a separate post. When only one girl is awake, I try to really engage with her, even if I'm darting in and out of a household task to do it. With Natalie I read books, have tickle fights, play with Play Doh, talk, sing and involve her in cleaning tasks to the extent that I can. With Rachel, I sit on the floor and hand her toys while she sits or rolls or schooches around, pre-crawling. I plop her in the high chair with a toy and talk and sing to her while I do dishes or whatever. I have extended nursing sessions with Rachel to make up for the lost time when Natalie's awake.

During naps, while I should be sleeping, I catch up on laundry, pick up toys and such, write blog posts... whatever time allows. Usually the cloth diapers are involved in some way, since those pretty much have to be washed, hung to dry, assembled and replenished in the girls' rooms daily. Good thing they dry so fast in this heat. We have a backup stash of disposables for the days when we're out of the house for a long time or I couldn't get the stash clean in time for the next change. Still, I think we are saving money with cloth, and there's something therapeutic about washing them. It's a simple repetition, conducive to meditation.

2PM: When both girls are up, we do lunch. Natalie gets chicken, pasta shells and broccoli, or hard boiled eggs, applesauce and rice, or something along those lines, and a cup of water or decaf iced tea. Rachel gets pureed pear, apple, banana, sweet potato or squash. I haven't been as disciplined about slowly introducing foods with Rache. Fortunately, she hasn't reacted uncomfortably to anything since we started solids for real, maybe two weeks ago.

4:00PM: Daddy, aka Rob, gets home and greets the girls, who are usually both up and playing and/or eating or getting fussy by then. Daddy takes over for a while, because he misses the girls and because by then I really need a break. I get caught up on housework, get started on cooking dinner, work on the odd Sudoku, read or go out by myself.

Sometimes Rob will take Natalie out to Balcones District Park to go to the public pool while I hang back at the house with Rachel.

At 7PM, ideally, things are starting to wind down. Dinner is at least started, if not over. A little more playtime, perhaps some outside on the deck time while I hang up diapers and/or water the thirsty grass and crape myrtles.

7:40PM: I start Natalie's bath. Rob takes over with Rachel, if he wasn't with her already, and attempts to get her to sleep--rocking her, bouncing with her on the exercise ball, or pacing with her in one of our carriers.

8:00PM: I turn Natalie, bathed, diapered and dressed in PJ's, over to Rob for the night. If Rachel is still awake, I take over, with pretty much the same arsenal of sleep inducers, plus nursing.

Our bedtimes were creeping into the 9:30-10PM range, and the girls were sleeping until 6:30 or 7, but the bedtime was just too late for Rob and me. This earlier schedule seems to be working better.

I use the term schedule somewhat loosely--we have a routine we try to follow, vaguely, most of the time.

When Rachel finally goes to sleep, Rob or I put her in the pack-and-play bassinet to sleep, if she's not already snuggled next to me for the night. We're working on the transition from bed to bassinet. Once Rachel is out, I'm usually going to bed soon after--it's the longest opportunity I'll have all night.

Rachel wakes up 4-5 times to nurse on a good night, then goes back to sleep as soon as she's done. It's usually no big deal for me. I have adjusted to waking up and going back to sleep pretty quickly. If I have too much caffeine too late in the day, I'm in trouble; otherwise, unless Rachel is having trouble sleeping, we're both fine.

Sometimes Natalie sleeps through the night. I'm guessing this happens about once a week. More often, she wakes up once or twice for water and a back rub or blankets. Rob is always on duty. This has been the case since I was pregnant with Rachel, and for the most part it has worked well.

So there you have it--a typical weekday, during the summer, for me and my 6-month-old and 2-year-old daughters. My "inbox" is never empty, so to speak--there are always tasks left undone. But if I'm lucky, when the day ends the girls are happy and peacefully sleeping, and I'm not overly exhausted. Or if I am, it's just in time to go to bed.

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